LEONARD CHAMBERS 21 5'3 165 lbs. Biceps 15, Chest 43/46., Waist 29, thighs 23, calf 15, neck 16. Powerful weightlifter and bodybuilder, Leonard could press 195 lbs, snatch 180, clean and jerk 235. He did squats with 325 lbs, ten repetitions.

The entire physique world is oghost at the senseless killing of this fine athlete who had so much of value to give. Kind and considerate, he was always onxious to help any new bodybuilder get storted on the road to health and wholesome living.

Energetic and a lover of outdoor life, his happiest moments were when roaring up the slope of some unfamiliar hill on his motorcycle. Of course he was injured often (note the slight bruise on his right knee on this picture), ond quite often he would come into the studio all done up in casts and bandages, but his physique was rugged ond healed quickly.

Through the many fine pictures which he posed for, Leonord will continue to be on inspiration for others for years to come. Athletic Model Guild took this and the cover picture.

Above: WRESTLING PRACTICE--300 BC. This drawing by John Paignton is from a group of photos by the Western Photography Guild of Denver. John Paignton is one of England's most talented artists as well as an accomplished photographer. He offers a selection of 100 photos of his work and models size 2 1/2 x 3 1/2 for $4. Also his splendid new book "Mani-ifique" consisting of 32 5x7 pages on art paper of fine drawings and photos was scheduled for momentary release when we went to press. Send him $1 for samples and information on material. John Paignton Studio 18A, Dept BM, Hill Street, Richmond, Surrey, England. Back cover also by John Paignton.

VOLUME 6 Number 2



.SUBSCRIPTION DATA: Physique Pictorial is published quarterly. Send all subscriptions correspondence, art work etc. to Physique Pictorial 1834 West 11th Street Los Angeles 6, California. Subscription rate for US, US Territories, and Mexico 1 yr $1.50, or 2 years $3. Foreign: 1 year $1.75, 2 years $3.50. Mailed in a plain, sealed, 1st class pstg envelope with "AMG" noted as returnee. LIMITED BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE: Fall 54, Winter 54, Spring 55, Summer 55, Fall 55, Winter 56, Spring 56. Others sold out. NO PAID ADVERTISING ACCEPTABLE: As a service to its readers, Physique Pictorial carries offers and prices of its contributors. We conscientiously believe all of these concerns to be completely reliable, but some of our "friends" have disappointed us in the past, so naturally their notices were no longer carried. Customer should not be over anxious, but should he experience unseemly difficulty in getting response from an order, we want to hear about it. Self-addressed stampled envelope should be provided if reply is desired. FOREIGN REPRESENTATION: In GREAT BRITAIN: John Valentine, 23 Deanswood Dr., Moortown Leeds, England. or the Dominique Agency Suite 35 A, 119 Oxford St. London W 1 England. In Denmark: Bladcentralen, Fiolstrade 28, Copenhagen. In BELGIUM: Henri Garsou Muscles Magazine 17 rue Haute, Andrimont. In HOLLAND: Cultuur-en Ontspanninningscentrum Postbus 542, Amsterdam. In JAPAN The Charles Tuttle Co 15 Edogawa-Cho Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo. In FRANCE: Edy Silvien, 39 rue Sainte Anne, Paris 1. Foreign currency (discounted at 10% of par value for exchange costs) will

s) will be accepted from areas where o e agents have not been provided. EDITORIAL: THE BEASTS AMONG US

We read with horror the stories of the Nazi's extermination chambers, Communist mass annihilations, and think complacently, "Thank God that sort of thing could never happen in Americal" But couldn't it? Is anyone naive enough to believe that the type of mentalities which perpetrated and carried out these viscious crimes against humanity are not also found among our fellow countrymen--and in no small number? The bestial, predacious instinct has not been bred out of the American "race" anymore than it was out of other nationalities who were so easily lead into such appalling inhuman behaviour. Humanitarianism has made great strides in America as it has in most other parts of the world, and there is scarcely an individual to be found anywhere who doesnt feel at least some consideration for other individuals with whom he can identify himself. But what of those persons with different nationalities, colors, races, creeds, political, and personal moral philosophies with whom he cannot identify himself, whom he recognizes as "different" or in his own mind "incompatible"? Were it not for the magnificent strength in our type of government which recognizes the rights of the individual even when they conflict with majority opinion, would not some groups readily annihilate others. Should demagogues oneday be powerful enough that they could get us to sacrifice our liberties of free speech and expression (as they came not far from doing during 1953) could not a dictator rise in our midst? Does anyone doubt that he would find countless willing followers who would be willing to kill, torture, or otherwise cause those to suffer with whom he was not in sympathy. When you next hear a person spewing out his hatred for other groups that differ from him (no matter in what respect) remember that it is his bestial animal nature that you see asserting itself--that this is not a man you see before you but rather a super beast whose potential evil is unparallelled elsewhere in the animal kingdom, because lacking in the humanistic spirituality to live and let live, and consider all men as brothers, instead he would misuse his gifts of perceptive abstract thoughts to the detriment of his fellow man. Page 2

WAS THE KILLING OF LEONARD CHAMBERS BY TWO OFF-DUTY POLICEMEN "JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE"? Acting in the employment of a private bail bondsman, two Southern California policemen forced Leonard Chambers to get in their private car for allegedly failing to appear on some traffic charges. They testified that Leonard pulled a gun on them even though they had previously searched him and had him handcuffed. In desparate "self-defense" they shot him twice in the back of the head. Leonard of course didn't live to tell his side of the story. The coroner's jurors dutifully declared this murder "justifiable homicide". The next day after Leonard's killing, another young man

was pursued by Southland police officers who shot him in the back while spread-eagling him over the hood of his car--but this young man did live to tell his story and have it corroborated by a number of witnesses. Ensuing investigation brought out that the police actually planted marihuana in the car to justify their ignoble deed. The policeman was suspended for 90 days, while the victim instead of being compensated was forced to pay the city $45 by one of Los Angeles' most puerile-minded judges who seems to take pride in ignorant decisions. The city of London handles its law enforcement problem quite effectively without its officers carrying guns, and consequently "accidental" shootings cannot occur. Instead of respect, admiration, and confidence, many American police departments seem more intent on establishing fear in their public relations. Do you believe killing is ever justified except to save another life? Ask your police chief what he thinks.